Happy New Year, Marines
It is my sincere prayer that 2021 is a better year for each one of you. Some of you have lost loved ones, finances, and health, all due to this pandemic called Covid-19. And yes, this plague has controlled the year 2020. This communication is not to debate whether it was politically motivated, an act of war, or an act of God. I can for certain tell you that the Bible will teach you that it was straight out of Hell to destroy every aspect of mankind. And that is all I will say about Covid-19 for now…!
What I want to talk about is what are you going to do from here on out, starting with 2021? There are teachings in the book of Proverbs about choices and change. In fact, there many life lessons in the book Proverbs that will help you navigate your way through 2021 whether you are a follower of Jesus Christ or not. But the thing is, you have to get the book out and read it, study it and apply it to your life. Life is about choices! Good consequences for good choices and bad consequences for bad choices. It is truly that simple, and there is change from our choices as well. If you want good change, make good choices. The book of Proverbs is an excellent place to start. In fact the whole Bible is an excellent source to guide you in making life’s choices. It has worked for me the last 30 years !
As your Chaplin I am here to help you, help guide you and to console you. All you need to do is let me know, and I will make time for you needs. And with Gods Mercy, Grace and His Word we can get through 2021. Whatever it holds. So with that, I recommend reading the Book Of Proverbs in the year of 2021. There are 31 chapters, one chapter per day. For the most part, they are short and should not take no more than 5-10 minutes to read each chapter. One chapter each day. At the first of each month start over. Remember you must apply if you want positive change.
Until next month, Simper Fidelis and…
May God's Blessings Be On Ya!
Corporal Of Marines, Chaplin Keith ><>